Baked Banana Spelt Breakfast Donuts - Low sugar!

Baked Banana Spelt Breakfast Donuts - Low sugar!


Deliciously soft and yet incredibly healthy with low sugar! So good you can eat them for breakfast! Um, yes please.


Accidentally made these whilst thinking of breakfast muffins but wanted something more boujee. These baked donuts are low sugar, gluten free and you can choose whether to use eggs or not. They keep for a week but you probably will eat them in days to be honest. Perfect for light snack or a fancy breakfast that breaks all the rules but not the diet.


Banana Spelt Breakfast Donuts Recipe


3/4 cup organic spelt flour

1 tables extra virgin olive oil

1/4 cup sugar (or sugar alternative like erythritol)

125ml of oat milk (or other milk)

1 egg (or substitute with 2 tbls of coconut yoghurt)

1 medium banana (mashed)

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tsp of benefiber (optional)

1 tsp of bicarb soda

1 tsp of apple cider vinegar 


Faux Icing

60 grams cashew spread (I used Oh so natural)

1 tables honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbls melted coconut oil



1. Combine the milk and apple cider vinegar in a separate cup. 

2. Mix all of the donut ingredients in bowl in a separate bowl then add the milk/vinegar and combine together. Add a little more milk if the dough is too dry. It should be between cake and pancake batter consistency. 

3. Lightly oil a donut oven pan and 3/4 fill each 6x donut moulds.

4. Bake at 180 degree Celsius for around 25 mins until springy and lightly browned on top.

5. Remove from oven and cool for 5 minutes before carefully extracting the donuts and leaving to cool on a tray.

6. Mix together the faux icing ingredients in a bowl. Place in fridge for 20 minutes to firm up.

7. When the donuts are completely cool, remove the icing from the fridge and mix with a blender. The icing should have firmed up but with loosen when mixed again. Pipe the icing onto the donuts however you like.

8. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Will keep for a week

(if they last that long)


Calories: 179 . Fat: 8.1g Total Carbs: 22.4g Sugar: 11.4g Fibre: 2.1g Protein: 4.1g