Adventures with a Toyota Land Cruiser RC! REVIEW

Adventures with a Toyota Land Cruiser RC! REVIEW

Link to this exact one here! Toyota Land Cruiser Rock Crawler RC


If you are needing to upgrade your family-time game and help the kids get out of the house and into the wild outdoors, you may not have considered RC's! I truly believe that this could be your saviour, just like it is for us. Now this model is water resistant, slow moving and super good at small rocks and puddles. It handles well enough for the astute RC-er and slow enough for a newbie or younger child. It will teach your child find motor skills and slow-moving manoeuvres.

We have taken it out multiple times now on different surfaces and we can test that it is NOT for fast tracks, hills or tall grass but it is perfect for puddles, gravel and small rocky surfaces (in abundance at the moment!). Playgrounds and curated reserves or parks are ideal especially if they contain a dry creek bed or water park. It is also super cool just before and during dusk because the LED lights at the front light up the path and make for a realistic driving and photography/videography experience. Perfect for pre-dinner adventures to lose those last little zap of energy before bed.

We are always looking for double-the-fun kind of toys and this one certainly ticks those boxes. We have rolled it a few times and it doesn't seem to have done any damage at this point. The tyres are soft rubber and do very well alongside the suspension to balance when crawling up rocky surfaces.

We get about 20 minutes of run time and highly suggest not driving to your location, but turning it off and on between playing areas. It definitely gets a heads up from kids and parents in the playgrounds so be prepared for conversations! If you want to try this one out, we bought this exact one from Amazon and have provided the affiliate link where you can buy this yourself, right here Toyota Land Cruiser Rock Crawler RC . As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases which means we can road test more awesome Rc's.

 I would say this is a quality ENTRY level rock crawler suitable for ages 7+