About us

Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of adventure seekers extraordinaire - Cat, Benny, and the fearless young explorer, Hunter! We're not your average family next door. Oh no, we're the adrenaline-junkie kind who swap backyard barbecues for zip-lining through rainforests, and family picnics for scaling mountains at dawn. Well, not completely...but we are working up to it!


Cat is the fearless matriarch, always leading the charge with a map in one hand and a binocular in the other. Benny, the daredevil dad, is the master of campfire tales and grilling up a storm at all altitudes. And then there's Hunter, the pint-sized adventurer who can spot a hidden treasure from miles away.


Together, we're rewriting the family travel handbook one thrilling escapade at a time. From chasing sunsets on idyllic beaches to braving weird and wonderful insects, we live for the rush of discovering new places and making unforgettable memories.


So, buckle up and join us on this rollercoaster ride of a lifetime as we traverse the globe in search of epic escapades and boundless fun. Adventure is calling, and we're ready to answer!